Liability for Underperformance caused by fouling due to Charterers’ orders
Thursday, 1st June 2017Imperator I Maritime Company v. Bunge SA (Coral Seas) [2016] EWHC 1506 (Comm) The background facts The Coral Seas, a new building vessel, was chartered on an amended NYPE 1946 form to Bunge S.A., who in turn sub-chartered it to C Transport Panamax. The charterparty included the standard clause 8 obligation that “The captain… shall […]
Loss of Hire Insurance
Monday, 1st May 2017Loss of hire insurance is broader than its name suggests, it encompasses hire in the traditional sense, loss of freight and any other form of income that is lost as a direct consequence of loss of time. Its principal role as a risk management tool is to protect cash flow, and it is often demanded […]
What is an Inert Gas or IG System on Ships?
Saturday, 1st April 2017Oil tankers carry oil of different grades and quality, having property to produce flammable vapors and gases when loaded for transportation. Even with no cargo on board, there can be harmful flammable gases present in the hold. When the vapor produced by an oil cargo is mixed with certain concentration of air primarily containing oxygen, […]
Claims Relating To The Ownership Of Bunkers
Wednesday, 1st March 2017The NYPE standard form charterparty provides that, on delivery of the vessel, charterers shall “take over and pay for all fuel”” and that, on re-delivery, owners do the same. Therefore, during the currency of the charterparty, ownership of the bunkers lies with the charterer. It is clear that where the vessel is redelivered in the […]
Short Loading Claims
Wednesday, 1st February 2017This decision looked at whether Charterers were able to claim damages from Owners for losses incurred, as a consequence of a short loading, between the seller and buyer of the cargo. The seller of the cargo was a wholly owned subsidiary of the Charterers. The Tribunal considered whether the losses could be passed on to […]
What is Parametric Rolling in Container Ships?
Sunday, 1st January 2017Rolling and pitching is a part of every ship that is going out at the sea. The first thing you might think up on hearing the word “Parametric rolling” is that it must be a type of rolling movement occurring in ships. Rolling and Pitching is a normal movement phenomenon which occurs in all kind […]
Issues with Quantities of Bunkers on Redelivery
Thursday, 1st December 2016Under most time charter parties, the supply of bunkers is the responsibility of Charterers. Bunkers will usually become Charterers’ property upon delivery of the ship until they are purchased back by Owners upon redelivery.
Sampling – A Guide to Reducing Contamination Claims
Tuesday, 1st November 2016In the 1970s and 1980s there were a large number of claims arising from claimed shortages said to have been due to excess retentions on vessels. After various investigations into the causes of these “losses”, improved measurement techniques, procedures and equipment were introduced.
Ballast Water Management
Saturday, 1st October 2016Since the introduction of steel-hulled vessels around 120 years ago, water has been used as ballast to stabilize vessels at sea. Ballast water is pumped in to maintain safe operating conditions throughout a voyage.
How to Take Care of Cargo on Container Ships at Sea
Thursday, 1st September 2016On container ships, cargo is carried in standardized containers, which are placed one over the other and secured using lashing. While at sea, the ship is subjected to heavy rolling and pitching, which can not only disturb the cargo but also upset the stability of the ship.
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